Afrika pro 21.století (seminář a diskuse)
Africké informační centrum a Humanitas Afrika ve spolupráci s Ekumenickou akademií Vás srdečně zvou na seminář s diskusi na téma Afrika pro 21.století: Regionální a globální perspektivy.
Autoři knih Albert Kasanda, Marek Hrubec a Jan Svoboda představí jejich dvě publikace:
Africká filosofie společnosti a Afrika v multilaterálním světě.
Diskuse se také zúčastní J. E. Pavel Mikeš, velvyslanec České republiky v Etiopii.
VSTUP na akci je VOLNÝ
Místo: Ječná 2, Praha 2, Africké informační centrum/Humanitas Afrika, (4. patro)
Čas: 17 hod.
O knize
Africa in a Multilateral World: Afropolitan Dilemmas. Edited by Albert Kasanda and Marek Hrubec (New York, London: Routledge 2022).
The book analyses how Africans and Africa relate to other parts of the multilateral world, and to the world in general, and how these relations stem from local, national and regional interactions in different parts of Africa, as well as Africa as a whole. The first part focuses on the assumptions that are necessary to understand the role of Africa on the global stage, especially from the perspectives of political philosophy and global and international studies. The second part of the book looks at both Afropolitan trends and the limits of Afropolitanism. In the third part the authors focus on specific African global tendencies stemming from the local conditions in several case studies. Traditional and modern politics is connected, problematically, with the current conditions related to unilateralism and global war on terror, for example. The fourth part deals with the relevance of the language ambivalence in relation to global interactions. It examines various views of African philosophy and lays bare the perception of earlier colonial languages in view of their current strength of global action.